Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Multimedia Argument Assignment

Please use the comment section to place the topic for your group multimedia argument assignment. Please make sure to read the ones already entered so that you do not choose the same project. Duplicate projects will not be allowed to present, so make sure that you are 1. the first group with that project idea, and that 2. you have verified it by reading the ideas above your own.


  1. Piracy is one of the many problems that have arisen from electracy. Piracy of music and videos is a serious crime that is linked to illegal downloading of music and videos off of the Internet. When music and videos are downloaded without the permission of the producer or artist, and if the download wasn’t paid for it can be considered illegal.
    -Carson Mcdowell, Marisa Case, Nick Romito, Brandon Barnes

  2. electracy-getting in trouble because of youtube, ie. fighting, music copyright infringement.

  3. 1. We are doing an infomercial and selling the product which is electracy, as in a Billy May's parody.

    -Jay Matthews, Rich Lam, Shandie Owenby, Andrew Phelan, and Miller Lane

  4. analyzing the fundamental shift in communication media. Electracy isn't jsut another innovation of print media. It's a complete overhaul of a now outdated system

    Group: Courtney, Mia, Theresa
